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My first professional-quality camera was a second-hand OM2-SP and in 2006 I managed to strike up a working relationship with the Japanese company's UK arm. In exchange for the odd piece of nice equipment, Olympus got to use some of my better photos in their advertisements. Since I had, as a young man, drooled over ads for the iconic Olympus OM1 and OM2 cameras, this was quite a thrill.
Currently I am using an E-M1 Mk II and a beautiful little Pen F digital, both with 20 megapixel sensors. I did pay for these though.
After a change of ownership in 2020 Olympus cameras and lenses are now branded "OM System."
My beautiful little Olympus Pen FAd in 'Professional Photographer'Ad in 'Digital Photo Pro'Ad in 'Professional Photographer'Article for Olympus User magazine